Friday, 25 May 2018

Optimize Windows 7 for a Fast PC and Better Performance

8 general and essential tips to optimize Windows 7 and have a pc always fast and without slowdowns

No matter what version of Windows is used: the computer, after a few months of regular use, slows down to make normal operations impossible.

To keep the PC in shape we will have to apply a regular and automatic maintenance, which will make the PC as fast as newly formatted regardless of the number of programs already installed.

All this applies to any version of Windows that we are using: whether we have remained faithful to Windows 7 we can optimize performance and have a fast PC with some targeted interventions such as those described below.

These operations are simple, do not involve any modification to the system, do not require you to install any external program and you can do so safe, without risk of damaging the system in any way.

1) Remove Unused Programs and Windows Features

When you buy a new PC or notebook you most likely are present (especially if preassembled) with a lot of demo programs and trial de try and buy later.

Each program installed on the computer consumes system resources and slows it down.

Since most of these programs will never be purchased (and I advise you not to buy anything and to use free programs, unless you need it for work), you should remove them.

To uninstall all the useless software go to the Control Panel -> Programs -> Uninstall a program and from there scroll the list by removing the unused applications.
To uninstall a program completely, removing all the files should use an external program that does a better job.

Also, from the same window, we can use the Activate or not Windows feature button so that you can uninstall unnecessary Windows components.

2) Check Programs That Start Automatically When You Turn On Your Computer

The most common cause of slowing down programs that run when Windows 7 starts automatically and remain active in the background consuming system memory and slowing down the PC.

We can proceed by deactivating all the unnecessary programs by opening the Start menu, typing in the msconfig search bar and taking us to the Startup tab.

From here we can disable auto-start programs and tools with greater impact on PC startup performance; we can deepen the discussion by reading the MSConfig guide, the system configuration utility.

3) Adjusting Visual Effects

On modern Windows operating systems, the graphic effects are the masters, with lots of gesture and features that consume a lot of CPU and GPU.

If the PC is only for work and we do not need any special visual effect we can adjust the visual effects and have better performance from your system we will not have to do other than right click on the My Computer icon on the desktop, open the Properties item and finally Advanced system settings.

In the Performance tab, click on Settings and select the Rule option to obtain the best performance and, if necessary, enable the various effects by choosing them individually from the list.

4) Adjust the Indexing Options

The indexing system continually indexes the files on the hard disk, often slowing down the PC during these scans.

You should change the settings so that the Windows indexes are active only for the frequently used and not all folders.

From the Control Panel or from the Start menu we can look for the Indexing options so as to open the window where we can select the folders to be indexed, by deactivating the search in folders that are almost never opened.

We can also completely disable the Windows Search indexing service from the services ( Start -> Run -> services.msc ) and use a better, faster program for file searches on the computer

5) Adjusting the Energy Settings

The power management by default in Windows is balanced, so that there is some energy savings by sacrificing performance slightly.

If we are not interested in using the battery on the laptop and if you prefer to speed up Windows 7 rather than save energy, we can change the setting from the Control Panel by clicking on the Power Options -> Change the power settings.

Among the savings items we can select, click on High Performance.

6) Turn off System Sounds

If you want to delete one or all the sounds of Windows 7 (such as the annoying startup) you can from the Control Panel -> Audio -> Sounds and in the Combination drop down menu you can choose No sound ; we can also disable the start-up sounds by unchecking the Windows Start-up Sound.

This clearly is not that much improves the performance of Windows but speed maniacs could be happy.

Turning off system sounds does not turn off computer audio while surfing the internet, music, and movies.

7) Disable the Windows Services: Disabling non-essential services is perhaps the most important point to optimize Windows even if it is normally reserved only for expert users.

Windows 7 Services runs in the background and provides necessary functions to the computer.

However, many users do not need all the services, and since each of them consumes memory and CPU resources, they can be disabled.

From the Start menu, directly type the word Services in the search bar and open the entry onomima; we will get a screen with all the active services.

Each service can be set to Automatic (automatic start at boot), Manual (start when needed), or disabled.

For Windows 7 and later, you should definitely look at the table on this website which offers the ideal configuration for all versions of Windows.

Pay attention to what you are doing and use extreme settings only if you are convinced and know what it entails (I do not recommend it).

If you notice, from the task manager, that svchost.exe consumes a lot of CPU , check which service is responsible for it and, if possible, disable it.

8) Other Tips to Speed up Windows

Other suggestions to improve the performance of your Windows operating system are:

Accelerate the loading of folders with videos and images without reloading the cache every time;

Use ReadyBoost with a USB stick;

Use a Registry Cleaner as CCleaner, frequently;

Use a Good Light Antivirus;

Restart or shut down Windows 7 without hibernation at least once a week (if we switch off the PC with hibernation);

Defragment the mechanical hard drive at least once a month, using one of the best free defragment programs

Deactivate unused entries from the right-click context menus;

Consult the blist of the best programs for a fast PC

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